All are welcome. No previous knowledge, experience or qualifications are required for any Film Extra events.
Please call 0844 856 3797 to book places.
10% Discount to members
stop the war! – Illustrated Talk
Thursday 26 July
5.20 – 6.20pm
How do you make an anti-war film? What kind of message works best in steering us away from conflict? How can we make people think without having to shock them with violence? This illustrated talk will explore how different filmmakers have approached these questions. It will lead into an introduction to the work of Nadine Labaki, whose popular new film Where Do We Go Now? cleverly uses music, fantasy and laughter to offer a unique solution.
£8.50; £7 concessions. Includes screening of Where Do We Go Now? Tutor: Roy Stafford
Thursday 26 July
6.30 – 7.45pm
Following on from the success of our regular festival quizzes we are hosting this one off to celebrate all things bat! Put your Batman knowledge to the test against others in our interactive quiz, which will be held in the café before the evening screening of The Dark Knight Rises. Fabulous prizes not guaranteed but the fun is. Teams (up to four people) may register through the Box Office.
£1 per person or free with a ticket for evening performance of The Dark Night Rises
Saturday school: silent cinema in the 1920’s
Saturday 11 August
10.30 – 4.30pm
This Study day will offer an overview of the mature silent cinema of the 1920s, including a tour of the Museum’s Insight Archive. The course will use material from the Museum’s series of Silent Screenings, including trailers for forthcoming titles. Films from the UK, the USA, Europe and Japan will feature among the illustrations.
£19.50; £16 concessions. Includes refreshments and a tour of our archive.
Tutor: Keith Withall
Saturday 4 August
10.30 – 4.30pm
This day will provide a hands on, practical introduction to stop-motion animation. You will create a clay character, plan a story and animate your short film using icananimate stop-motion software. The session will also cover adding voices, sound effects and titles using iMovie. This will be a fun, action-packed session and a great chance to get to know other people interested in animation.
£35, £28 concessions. Includes refreshments, suitable for ages 16+, limited places.
Tutor: Jack Lockhart
Saturday 11 August
10.30 – 4.30pm
Working in teams you will produce your own movie trailer in a day. Using a shot list, you will work together to plan, shoot and edit a minute long production which you can take home on dvd. A great introduction to the mechanics of film making and a fun way to meet new people.
£35, £28 concessions. Includes refreshments, suitable for ages 16+, limited places.
Tutor: Jack Lockhart