Big Screen Schedule
We run the screen on a “dynamic” system which means that some of our content is scheduled to appear randomly across our output so that it maintains a fresh appeal for various audiences throughout the day.
The screen runs ordinarily from 0700 to 2300 hours. Our schedule changes regularly and we also work with partners and clients who utilise the screen for events, particularly in the summer months. We also run advertising slots for regional and national clients at times agreed throughout the day and some mainstream television news and programming where it’s deemed of interest. For any further information please contact the screen producer
To give a sense of the breadth of our output, below are some of our standard sections or “magazines” which operate throughout the day. (Please note they are subject to change)
- BBC Breakfast news 0700 to 0900
- National and regional news content on the quarter hour
- Not Just Hockney exhibition 12.30pm daily.
- BBC Lunchtime news 1300 to 1345
- BBC Evening news 1800 to 1900
- What’s On (Listings Guide) Runs throughout the day as part of our dynamic scheduling. Any event slide sent into us gets on average 5-6 plays a day between 0700 and 2300.
no event